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DIY: Build Your Own Tiered Tabletop Fire Bowl and Keep Those Pesky Mosquitos Away with Style

Writer: RameeRamee

Updated: Jan 15, 2024

As part of our recent Backyard Patio update, we made a large modern tiered tabletop firebowl, and I wanted to share in this tutorial how we made it.

It was a relatively easy project, although we had to modify the design of it from the original concept slightly as we went. As with most DIY projects, changes and learning as we go are bound to happen. In the end, I think we have a better looking and more interesting firebowl for our tabletop patio.

It started with finding the base. I wanted something quite large, white, with some nice detailing. I found this gorgeous fluted porcelain bowl on sale at Indigo and it was perfect!

Next was finding the refillable tabletop tiki torches. This was more difficult than I thought it would be. I could only find the taller torch versions. So this meant that the torches were going to stick up above the bowl a bit, and I hoped that by sloping up our rocks towards the torches it would work just fine. We found some nice multi-coloured larger rocks at Michaels to suit our more natural northern vibe, and we got started.

I had originally planned to use 3 torches for more citronella flames. We put it together and it wasn't quite right...

Plan A - Not quite right...but LOVE the bowl and the rocks!

We then tried it with just one torch, and it was better, but it needed something else.

My hubby had a great idea to add a tier level with a smaller planter pot for the tall torch and rocks, and after a trip to our local Winners we found just the right solution!

Step 1: We filled the beautiful fluted white porcelain bowl with some sand.

Step 2: Add some sand to our inner planter pot around the tiki torch.

Step 3: Place the smaller planter in the large bowl and fill with more sand. You can see the added planter has a nice earthy mole brown colour to it, so it complements the rocks and the look without standing out too much. We didn't want it to steal the show from the fluted bowl and the rocks.

Step 4: We added some regular river rock and pea gravel that we had for a filler base before our decorative rocks.

Step 5: Next is to start layering the decorative rocks. Placing the larger ones first, and then you can tweak the placement until you are happy with it once they are all in place.

Step 6: Do the same for the decorative rocks on the upper planter around the tiki torch. This required a bit of moving around until we got it how we wanted it.

Step 7: Carefully fill the torch with citronella (with a funnel) and light it up!

Our DIY tiered firebowl for our updated Backyard Patio

Step 8: Sit back and admire your firebowl. The sight, the citronella scent, and hopefully keeping away those pesky mosquitos so you can enjoy your outdoor space to the fullest!

View of Firebowl from above

Completed DIY tiered Firebowl

Step 9: Celebrate the team effort or a DIY project well done!

Celebrating our team effort as we enjoy the result!

What do you think?

I hope this inspires you to make your own firebowl for your outdoor space. There are so many different ways you can take this idea and make it your own. From the choice of planters to rocks, the options can suit your style and add a great decor element to your outdoor oasis!

And if it doesn't work out quite right the first time, no worries! Just stand back to figure out what isn't working, and don't be afraid to come up with a modified solution. As with us, it may just turn out even better than the original concept! Please make sure to share your version with me!

Yours in Design,

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